Friday, January 21, 2011

I don't even know what to title this one.

Joel got a phone call yesterday from an old friend letting him know his sister had been arrested.

Finding out things like this just tell me that we did the right thing by getting him out of Raleigh. He wasn't in contact with his sister, but he was in contact with his father, who saw his sister often. The article doesn't say it, but they later found out that the person who "committed" the robbery was Ownie Henry, who is his sister's boyfriend, and the person who got Joel involved in illegal activity back when Joel was 15.

The saddest part? Lindsay just had a baby. Both parents are now in jail, and Joel's parents can't even get custody of their own children--so, another one added to the foster care system...

1 comment:

  1. Wow. What a crappy scam.

    But got him out. He's gone from it. His life isn't like that any more. And that's awesome.
